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Atlas Organics Compost

Atlas Organics Compost is one of the highest quality soil amendments on the market. Rich in nutrients and organic matter, compost can be used for projects big and small. Whether planting new seedlings, regenerating depleted soil, or working on large scale landscaping jobs, compost supports and builds healthy soil.

Atlas Organics in South Carolina


Date began: June 2022
Facility capacity: 26,000 TPY
Materials composted: Yard Waste, Food Waste

Atlas Organics has now expanded coast to coast through a public-private partnership with Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority. The Facility is located at the Johnson Canyon Landfill in Gonzales, CA. This site is a 26k TPY compost facility accepting organic waste streams including green waste, food waste, wood waste, and construction debris. Curbside organics and other source-separated organic waste streams are expected to be processed initially by Atlas’ sort-line technologies, utilizing artificial intelligence and robotics to remove contaminants from the waste stream on the front-end of processing. Other “clean” waste streams will be ground, mixed, and loaded into aerated static piles for composting. After an approximately 45-day composting process, the piles will be screened, with high-quality finished product being sold into local markets.

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